Dinoville Castle
Captain of the Guard
Dinoville Castle

You have to complete Dinoville King Quest to acces this missions.

Note: This is beta version! I apologize for any errors or inaccuracies - I haven't done these missions yet - so if you finished it, please send me your comments on PM.

Note: The Dark World has 2 locations with similar name:
??? (3 question marks) is the area south
???? (4 question marks) is north.

No Name Requirments Reward
1. The Exorbitant Exodus finished Dinotown King Quest 50XP
2. Mana Leak The Exorbitant Exodus 80XP
3. Man-a-ctive Lichen Mana Leak 100XP
4. History of the Dark World 2 Man-a-ctive Lichen 100XP
5. History of the Dark World 2 History of the Dark World 80XP
6. Visit to the Dark World 200XP

1. The Exorbitant Exodus

Go to Dinotown
Kill 2 Mimic (new monster - see bestiary)
Go to Grandpa Joe's House
Kill 4 Mimic
Go to Frish Port
Kill 6 Mimic
Go to the Dinotown Castle and validate mission

2. Mana Leak

Go to the Klutz' Workshop
Speak with Klutz
Give 4 Lujidanee Grouperf Lujidanee Grouper
Speak with Klutz
Give 2 Lightning Energy Lightning Energy
Speak with Klutz
Go to the Dinotown Castle and validate mission

3. Man-a-ctive Lichen

Go to Lavapit
Speak with Soft Shaman
Take blue potion a potion of blue flame
Go to Venerable Lair
Speak with Venerable and fight
Take red potion a potion of red flame
Go to Guard Post
Burn Lichen
Speak with Captain
Go to Dinotown
Burn Lichen
Go to Brutforce
Burn Lichen
Go to the Dinotown Castle and validate mission

4. History of the Dark World

Go to The lost Souls Pit
Speak with Gulom
Go to ????
Speak with Gulom
Go to ???
Give a Dark Shoot (new ingredient - see Ingredients Maps)
Go to Dinotown Castle and validate the mission

5. History of the Dark World 2

Go to ????
Kill 4 mysterious Flamelets
Go to ???
Kill 2 mysterious Flamelets
Go to the Foot of The Dark Tower
Kill 4 mysterious Flamelets
Go to the Portal
Kill 6 mysterious Flamelets
Go to the Dinotown Castle and validate mission

6. Visit to the Dark World

Go to the Lost Souls Pit
Speak with Dinotown King
Kill 2 Wereroze
Go to the Portal
Speak with Dinotown King
Kill 10 Pirhan-Os
Go to ???
Speak with Dinotown King
Kill 5 Amenpenne
Go to the ????
Speak with Dinotown King
Kill 3 mysterious Flamelets
Go to the Foot of The Dark Tower
Speak with Dinotown King
Go to The Dark Tower 2nd floor
Defeat 2 Guardians of the Tower
Go to The Dark Tower 1st floor
Defeat 1 Guardian of the Tower
Go to The Dark Tower 2nd floor
Speak with Dinotown King
Defeat 1 Guardian of the Tower
Go to the Dinotown Castle and validate mission
These battles are not action, monsters appear during travel, so make sure to equip before